
Telehealth appointments are conducted online. They are available for those who are unable to attend therapy in person.

Telehealth sessions are conducted using Coviu which is a secure and confidential service that has been designed specifically for allied health professionals.

Medicare rebates are available for Telehealth sessions with a GP Mental Health Care Plan. Private Health Insurance rebates may be available depending on your fund and level of cover. Please note you can only claim from one provider, either Medicare or your private health fund, per session.

What is required of you

In therapy, the utmost care and attention is given to confidentiality. Given that you are not attending an office where the environment is managed, you will have to be responsible for confidentiality on your end. This means being mindful of where you place yourself to have your session, who is around and who might be able to hear you.

Follow these tips when preparing for your session:

  • Try to have your session somewhere that no-one can overhear
  • Create a quiet and private space, free from distractions
  • Turn off your mobile phone, or turn it to silent
  • Ensure the device that you are using for your session has a full battery,
    or is plugged into a power source
  • Be sure you know how to use the software and do one or two practice runs
    before your first session
  • Use headphones if you wish, to ensure you can hear the session clearly
    and for greater privacy if there is anyone else within earshot
  • “Arrive” for your session 10 minutes early to set up your space and make
    sure all the technology is working
  • Have a backup plan in case of a technical issue. This will most likely be
    your phone. If we are unable to connect on a screen then the session will
    be transferred to a phone session.

Telehealth sessions are treated exactly the same way as in-person sessions.

  • Sessions are to be attended on time
  • Sessions run for 50 minutes
  • Confidentiality is maintained at all times
  • Payment is required at the time of the session