Why is it so hard to break a habit or change your behaviour when you know it’s not good for you?


It’s because you have a conscious mind (all of the thoughts, memories and feelings of which you are aware at any given moment) and a subconscious mind (all of the thoughts, memories, feelings and urges, and of which you are largely unaware).

And sometimes they don’t agree about what is best for you. Your conscious mind may want to change but according to your subconscious mind there is some good reason to keep the unhelpful behaviour or way of being.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for 90-95% of your brain’s processing power, which leaves only 5-10% left for your conscious brain to do all that is required of it (critical thinking, planning, executing, problem solving, talking, working, reading, etc).

Given that the power of your subconscious mind is massively more than your conscious mind, if it isn’t comfortable or really on board with the change you want to make, then change will be incredibly difficult to achieve.

So, for change to occur you need to build positive associations to the new behaviour (or way of being) on a subconscious level.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to do exactly that.

Hypnosis takes you into a deeply meditative, relaxed state in which you can sidestep the conscious mind and gain access to your subconscious mind. During hypnosis the conscious mind relaxes deeply enabling the subconscious mind to become more receptive and open to change.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

You cannot be harmed during hypnosis nor be convinced to do something you do not want to, or you would not normally do. This is because hypnosis does not bypass the conscious mind entirely. You hear all that is said and only respond to the suggestions to the extent that the suggestions fit and are comfortable to you. You will only respond to the suggestions if you are willing to.

You remain in control during hypnosis. You will be in a deeply relaxed state but you are able to speak and move your body if you wish. You may look as if you are sleeping and you may in fact feel drowsy but you remain awake during the session. It is most likely that you will remember the session however some people only recall snippets.

Am I able to be hypnotised?

Everyone is able to be hypnotised, as long as they are willing to be. “Entering hypnosis is a personal choice – no-one can be forced into hypnosis. The hypnotist directs (your) experience but only to the degree (you) permit(s) it” Yapko, p25

What does hypnosis help with?

Hypnotherapy is solution-focused. You come to hypnosis with a clear goal and work with your therapist to achieve your desired outcome efficiently. The therapist is always guided by and focused on your wants and needs.

People attend hypnosis for a large range of issues including, but not limited to

  • Quitting smoking
  • Addictive behaviour
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Self-acceptance
  • Stress
  • Grief
  • Weight management
  • Pain control
  • Public Speaking
  • Reaching goals
  • Relaxation
  • Self-improvement
  • Sugar addiction

Hypnosis works to empower you. The focus of a hypnosis session is always on the goal. We focus on what is possible and changeable. A lot can happen when you pay meaningful attention to something, while removing the noise and static of the conscious mind. What you attend to amplifies. Hypnosis is a brilliant way to focus your meaningful and clear attention on your goals as you are in a heightened state of relaxation and concentration.

If you are unsure if hypnosis may benefit you, please call to discuss your circumstances.

How many sessions will I need?

Typically most issues are resolved within 3-5 sessions.

It is recommended that you purchase a pack of three sessions with each session to be taken one week apart.

Each session will run for a maximum of 50 minutes.

Session fee

Each session is $180.